Houston Area HOA Foreclosure-related Filings

Total court filings in database:
Cases that researchers have found in public records.
Total timespan of filings database:
First filing date to last filing date.
17.0 years
3-Jan-85 to 31-Dec-01
Total HOAs in filings database:
Each Homeowners Association (HOA) is in the database because it has at least one court filing found in public records. Most are in Harris County.
Total HOAs in Houston:
Per City of Houston list. It is not known if this list is complete.
Total HOAs in Harris County:
An official registry of all HOAs in Harris County has not yet been located.
Total subdivisions in Harris County:
Per Houston Association of Realtors list. Not all subdivisions have HOAs.
Total HOAs in management company database:
Per county records, various online sources, and info volunteered by homeowners. Includes many HOAs in counties adjacent to Harris County and a small number associated with condominiums. Does not include self-managed HOAs. The list is not complete.
Total management companies in database:
Per county records, various online sources, and info volunteered by homeowners.
Total unique names for attorneys and firms in database:
Based on names as recorded in online records, which may be either individual attorney names or firm names (which occasionally change).
Total cases for which attorney or firm name is missing:
Most missing names are from Harris County JP Courts or outside Harris County. Research is continuing to identify attorneys for each case.
Total cases from Harris County District Courts - Civil:
These cases come from a third person's paid request for court records (1995 to 2000), from online searches and from periodic review of the Daily Court Review. The online searches are generally conducted by case type "Foreclosure", but often HOA cases are found under other case types such as "Debt", "Lien", "Sworn Account", "Homeowner Association", etc. HOA cases of type "Injunction" are not included in the database. HOA names appear to be consistently entered in the online records.

There are 25 courts.

118,880 cases searched

Total cases from Harris County Civil Courts:
These cases come from online searches and from periodic review of the Daily Court Review. All cases from 1985 to 2001 have been downloaded and a comprehensive search performed based on apparent HOA naming conventions and attorney names. The HOA names in the online records are often abbreviated or occasionally misspelled, making it difficult to find every case for every HOA.

There are 4 courts.

314,070 cases searched

Total cases from Harris County Justice of the Peace Courts:
These cases come from periodic review of the Daily Court Review. An online records database has not yet been located. There are indications that foreclosure-related filings do occur in these courts - but amount of activity is unknown.

There are 16 courts.

Total cases from Fort Bend County courts:
These few cases come from periodic review of the Daily Court Review. Random scan of online records indicates much more activity. Amount of activity is unknown.
Total cases from Montgomery County courts:
These few cases come from periodic review of the Daily Court Review. Amount of activity is unknown.